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Binding Procedure

Bind once, run anywhere - Yapalong’s no-base-station and no-master architecture makes grouping, de-grouping, and re-grouping very easy. We can easily increase or decrease group size by following the binding procedure below, or following Youtube video from here.


Note: Binding needs to be done in a minimal radio interference environment. Make sure there are no electrical control panels or anything similar nearby.

Yapalong6000 Binding

Yapalong5000 & 4000 Binding


A. Binding procedure for REGULAR units

    1. Power down all units and make sure good batteries are installed.

    2. Power up the 1st unit until the red LED is on and solid in colour. Hold down the UP and DOWN buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds until the green and amber LEDs begin to flash alternatively. Release the buttons after at least 5 seconds. Both LEDs will stop blinking and all 3 LEDs will remain on in solid colour.

    3. Power up the 2nd unit until the red LED is on and solid in colour. Hold down the UP and DOWN buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds until the green and amber LEDs begin to flash alternatively. Release the buttons after at least 5 seconds. BBoth LEDs will stop blinking and only the red and green will remain on and solid in colour. If amber is also on, restart the binding from Step 1.

    4. Repeat Step 3 for the rest of the units that you want to group.

    5. Power down all of the units in random sequence. After they shut down, power up all units again in random sequence. After this, you are finished! 

B. Order for Binding LISTENER units

LISTENER units can be added to existing Yapalong groups, and function as listen-only units. Regardless of the previous grouping state, the entire group has to be bound again. The binding procedure is the same as the one for REGULAR units, with a few additional steps to keep in mind when binding:

Additional procedures for LISTENER units 


    1. Set 1st REGULAR into Binding mode (Step 2 in previous procedure)

    2. Set 2nd REGULAR into Binding mode (Step 3 in previous procedure)

    3. Set all LISTENERs into Binding mode one by one (perform this before Step 4 in previous procedure)

    4. Set the rest REGULARs into Binding mode one by one (Step 4 in previous procedure)

Note: After completing steps in A or B, all units needs to be powered down to exit binding mode.