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New to the Yapalong-user group: World ParaVolley!

by Ellie Chen | | | 0 Comments

We would like to give a warm welcome to Joe Campbell, president of ParaVolley Pan America, for joining the Yapalong users group!


World ParaVolley is an international non-profit charitable organization that aims to provide a variety of the highest quality volleyball programs to athletes who have a physicial impairment. There are four disciplines of ParaVolley: Indoor Sitting and Standing volleyball, and Sitting and Standing Beach ParaVolley. Each discipline differing slightly in the rules and eligibility to play, but all fast-paced and exciting to watch!


"I want everyone with any kind of disability to play sports"

- Pieter Joon, founding and honourary president of World ParaVolley


2020 marks the 40th anniversary since sitting volleyball has been officially included in the Paralympic games. Its rich history started off with many different countries having a variation of "Sit" ball which had varying rules of how its played. It was then that Pieter Joon the founding and honourary president of World ParaVolley convinced the many countries to leave their previous hard work in developing their form of "Sit" ball but to adopt sitting volleyball for the future. Click here for more information on the history of how Sitting Volleyball evolved and came to be!



We would like to highlight Joe Campbell and his team for the continuous efforts taken to develop the game and support athletes who may not be able to participate and compete due to their physical impairment.


"From 2018, World ParaVolley will focus its international beach activities on Beach ParaVolley (Standing) with the objective of working towards potential inclusion in the Los Angeles 2028 Paralympic Games."


It is with anticipation that we may be able to see Beach ParaVolley (Standing) played in the 2028 Paralympic games. We at Yapalong, are proud to continue supporting the facilitation of different sports and would love to hear what you're using Yapalong for!


Photo source: World ParaVolley's tweet, World ParaVolley's photo album

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